Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lotion For Eczema and Psoriasis

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In my Pinterest frenzy I noticed my sister pinning natural cures for eczema and psoriasis. It turns out
Jake's skin is having some issues.

I noticed that I had on hand several of the ingredients used for treatments of these skin disorders. I decided to give it a try.  Here are the ingredients I used:

1 cup chamomile infused olive oil
1/4 cup lavender infused olive oil
1/4 cup comfrey infused olive oil
1 cup dried calendula
1/2 cup melted beeswax
1/2 cup melted coconut oil
8 drops of Tea Tree essential oil
5 drops of Rosemary essential oil
5 drops of Lavender essential oil
4 Vitamin E capsules

Last summer I started getting interested in natural/herbal remedies.  I've made lotion bars, hand lotion, lip balm and other natural products, free from chemicals.  Because of my interest, I always have infused oil on hand.

There is a slow way to infuse oils with healing properties and a fast way.  For this recipe I had to do both.  The three jars you see in the picture are infused oil with lavender, comfrey and chamomile.  These jars have dried herbs in them, along with olive oil.  I keep them on my windowsill, not in direct sunlight.  I shake the jars once a week and when I need it,  they are there.

I did not have infused oil with calendula, but I did have some dried calendula.  So I measure oils out and put that in a pot with the dried calendula.  I let that simmer for 30 minutes.  When the time is up, line a fine mesh strainer with cheesecloth and strain the dried herbs out of the oil.

In a double boiler, melt the beeswax and coconut oil.

Cut the vitamin E capsules open and dump the contents (not the capsule shell) in the infused oil.  Add the essential oils.

Put the infused oil in a bowl and set it on top of a bowl full of ice.  You will use this to cool the oil and whip it at the same time.

Slowly pour in the coconut oil and beeswax, whisking as you go.

As the lotion cools, it will thicken up.

Whisk until the lotion is the consistency of whipped butter.

This recipe made 2 half pint jars.  Use within 6 months.

Disclaimer:  This recipe is not to take the place of medical advice.  I am not trained in herbal medicine.  I've learned what I know from books and the Internet.



  1. Based on studies, there are still no treatments or sure on Psoriasis. However, medications to control the disease and lessen the chance to major problems are already published. Organic treatments are good. I do even use natural plants to have my own cream in skin disease such as psoriasis.

  2. Maybe I can also try your recipe. I already tried herbal med with filtered apple cider vinegar in it and it is going good.


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